ENAV has a zero tolerance approach to corruption of any sort and undertakes to act with professionalism, transparency and honesty in all our business or commercial relationships, wherever in the world we operate
We have organised our operations in accordance with the CoSO Framework of the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations and a risk management model envisaged by the Guidelines of the Internal Control and Risk Management System, in line with the recommendations of the Corporate Governance Code of the Corporate Committee Governance of the Italian Stock Exchange. The management system for the fight against corruption is made up of a comprehensive set of rules, procedures, policies, organisational arrangements, system of powers and responsibilities, the Code of Ethics and the Compliance Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001 and is based on the highest international standards in this field. In December 2021 ENAV achieved the important goal of obtaining the ISO 37001:2016 certification for its Anti-Bribery Management System.
To fully understand our rules, our people undergo training sessions on anti-corruption issues, on the applicable predicate offenses of Legislative Decree 231/01 and on whistleblowing. With particular regard to the whistleblowing channel, we have implemented a computerised system for reporting offenses, which ensures the confidentiality of the whistle-blower and makes it possible to submit anonymous reports.
In 2018, the Board of Directors of ENAV S.p.A. approved the “Code of conduct to combat corruption” (the “Anti-Corruption Code”), which must be implemented by all Group companies.
Since 2021 we have been associated with Transparency International, the largest organization in the world focused on preventing and combating corruption.
For any further information on activities relating to legality and the prevention corruption, please see the Governance section on the website.