materiality analysis

Materiality analysis is the tool that allows us to identify our priority topics according to the most significant impacts generated on the environment, people and the economy

The ENAV Group conducts annually the materiality analysis, aimed at identifying priority ESG topics by assessing the environmental, social and governance issues on which the ENAV Group generates an impact and which, at the same time, are significant for stakeholders.

In fact, the approach to materiality analysis dictated by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) 2021 reporting standard revolves around the concept of impact[1]. Already from the previous reporting year, the impacts of the ENAV Group have been defined through an in-depth analysis of the reference context, also drawing on the experience in non-financial reporting and the Stakeholder management process of the ENAV Group, from the analysis of the Business Plan and the Sustainability Plan as well as from the analysis of the main public reference sources and best practices.

This process was also carried out through the involvement of all organizational structures of the Parent Company and subsidiaries, the ESG Steering Committee and the main stakeholders of the ENAV Group, namely:

  • airlines;
  • airport operators;
  • aviation industry, business partners and strategic suppliers of the ENAV Group;
  • institutions, industry authorities and the Areonautica Militare;
  • ENAV shareholders and financial community;
  • opinion leaders in corporate sustainability.

Materials were then defined as those topics that reflected the Company’s most significant impact on aspects such as: the economy, the environment, people and human rights.

The results of this analysis were approved by the Board of Directors of the parent company ENAV S.p.A. at its meeting on February 20, 2024.

The materiality analysis is subject to an annual audit by an independent company in charge of limited assurance activities, as reported in the Sustainability Report 2023 (“DNF” pursuant to Legislative Decree 254/2016) in the section “Independent Auditors’ Report”.

Through the 2023 materiality analysis, 15 significant impacts were identified, ordered below due to their significance: 


1 Impacts may be actual or potential, negative or positive, short-term or long-term, intentional or unintentional, reversible or irreversible.

Priority Impacts Material topic GRI aspect
1 Maintenance of safety levels of air navigation and air traffic management services through the prevention of possible degradation/failure of the performance of one or more components (people, procedures, equipment) of the functional system such as to impact on the provision of air navigation services Safety Customer Health and Safety (416)
Training and Education (404)
2 Creating professional excellence and enhancing and improving the skills of employees through training and professional development plans Adequacy, enhancement and development of Human Capital Training and Education (404)
3 Ethical business conduct and transparent disclosure of information about the Company’s operations in order to prevent situations of non-compliance with applicable legislation of any kind, including anti-corruption legislation Corporate governance and integrity Anti-corruption (205)
4 Adoption of appropriate security measures to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of managed information data, in order to prevent negative impacts on operations and business Security  
5 Development of technological and digital solutions for the improvement of air navigation services Technological innovation and digitalisation  
6 Maintaining high performance levels related to the quality of air navigation assistance services that enable people’s mobility Quality of service  
7 Actions to disseminate the culture of safety in the workplace, aimed at the prevention of occupational accidents and illness Occupational Health and Safety Occupational Health and Safety (403)
8 Efficiency of energy consumption for the operation of assets and commitment to reducing and offsetting climate-changing gas emissions in order to mitigate the Group’s impact on climate change Energy consumption and climate change Energy (302) Emissions (305)
9 Creation of financial economic value for the benefit of stakeholders, including through proper tax management Economic and financial value creation Economic Performance (201)
Tax (207)
10 Commitment to optimise Communication, Navigation and Surveillance (CNS) equipment - including by attending international forums where new standards are set- in order to help contain the electromagnetic emissions generated in provision of related services Electromagnetic emissions Local Communities (413)
11 Development of synergies with civil aviation bodies, institutions and associations in order to realise a common vision for the harmonisation of the European air traffic management system Relations with industry organisations, institutions and associations Membership associations (2-28)
12 Promotion of responsible behaviour and verification of suppliers’ compliance with the Group’s ethical principles to support ENAV’s supply chain resilience Responsible supplier management Supplier Social Assessment (414)
13 Creating an inclusive and fair working environment in order to prevent discrimination or abuse in the Company and offer equal opportunities in all evaluation processes Diversity and inclusion Employment (401) Diversity and Equal Opportunity (405)
Non-discrimination (406)
14 Commitment to limiting the impact on ecosystems by favouring the adoption of recovery of waste generated by the Company’s activities Waste management Waste (306)
15 Supporting work-life balance and promoting corporate welfare initiatives to enhance people’s well-being Corporate welfare  



Materiality analysis insights