"All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded the individual." (Albert Einstein)
The ENAV Group operates mainly in Italy, where the level of legislative and civil development guarantees respect for human rights, freedom of association and collective bargaining. However, we remains committed to this issue and dedicate constant attention to respect for human rights
We are constantly committed to respecting human rights in all processes and in all Group companies. Through the planning and implementation of activities and the in-depth analysis of issues that emerged from reports, we constantly monitor the correct application of internal procedures and compliance with the Group Code of Ethics, the Compliance Model (pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001) and the applicable corporate compliance issues.
In 2020 we published the new human rights policy and we also updated the Group Code of Ethics to integrate its principles into all our activities so as to delineate the ENAV Group’s commitment to these issues even more clearly.

Human Rights policy
The new Human Rights Policy, as set out in the 2018-2020 Sustainability Plan, was approved in October 2020. With this policy, we aim to protect and promote human rights when carrying out our activities and in every context in which we operate through the strict observance of the laws in all countries in which we operates and the adoption and application of our internal codes of conduct. The policy enunciates the principles contained in the Universal Declaration of the United Nations, in the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, in the Conventions of the International Labour Organisation, in the OCSE Guidelines, in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and in the Group’s Code of Ethics.
The Main principles of the policy concern:
- rejection of forced or obligatory labour or child labour;
- freedom of association and collective bargaining;
- relationships with the community.