The reference association for professionals in the sustainability and corporate social responsibility sectors operating as company managers, consultants and researchers. We support the work of the Sustainability Makers, which involves more than one hundred managers and professionals dedicated to corporate social responsibility issues. ENAV’s commitment is also embodied through participation of its own Head Sustainability and CSR in the Executive Committee of the Sustainability Makers
Since January 2021, we have been an active participant in the Fondazione Global Compact Network Italia and taken up its mission, undertaking to spread knowledge of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) by favouring an increase in membership in Italy and by promoting a commitment to encourage corporate sustainability on the part of Italian companies and organisations who are already members.
Since 2019 we have taken part in the Salone della CSR e dell’Innovazione Sociale, the event most anticipated by those who believe in sustainability. Recognised as the main event in Italy dedicated to these themes, the Salone has contributed to the diffusion of a culture of social responsibility, provided opportunities for updating, and facilitated networking between different social players.
The fight against climate change is the challenge of the century and the ENAV Group wants to make its contribution. Indeed, ENAV support the Pact for the Decarbonisation of Air Transport that brings together industrial players, institutional stakeholders and associations, to facilitate the achievement of the aviation industry's sustainability targets in the context of the SDGs and Agenda 2030, with the goal of Net Zero Emissions by 2050. ENAV's role, being present in the Steering Committee, is to participate in the systematic comparison of The Pact for the Decarbonisation of Air Transport to design a scientifically structured path and build a feasible process of decarbonisation of air transport through: -The shared definition of an organic methodology to assess the sustainability of the various product segments of the aviation sector and to identify, rationally and transparently, strengths to be exploited and weaknesses to be addressed; -The evaluation of a set of objectives to plan the transition coherently and realistically, favouring virtuous mechanisms to ensure the rapid implementation of available solutions (e.g. Sustainable Aviation Fuel) in the short term, without ever neglecting the positive impacts generated by the sector in social and economic terms; -The study of the complex regulatory reference framework and the monitoring of its evolution, identifying the possible interventions needed to foster and support such a complex transition process in the medium to long term; -The adoption of policies that allow the necessary expansion and development of air transport through new technological processes, with the definition of clear and binding rules and objectives, concretely achievable through intermediate targets, to achieve climate neutrality objectives.
We are a member of the Alleanza italiana per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile (ASviS), an association founded on 3 February 2016 on the initiative of the Fondazione Unipolis and the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”. The aim is to increase knowledge in Italian society, in businesses and in institutions of the importance of Agenda 2030 for sustainable development and to mobilise them into achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) through:
We support and participate in the initiatives of the, a project developed around ETicaNews, devised by a group of journalists and professionals. The publication was founded along three guidelines:
AIS è un’associazione tecnico-scientifica, che si caratterizza come un Think Tank di eccellenza, ponendosi come un interlocutore autorevole e prezioso per le istituzioni pubbliche e private. Principale obiettivo dell’Associazione è favorire la diffusione di una cultura ampia e qualificata della sostenibilità e una sempre maggiore consapevolezza del valore sociale ed economico di poter disporre di infrastrutture sostenibili.
CEOforLIFE Awards is an initiative founded by HR Community that gathers together the CEOs of the most important Italian companies committed to sustainable development. ENAV has been a member since 2021.