People and technology are two pillars that have made ENAV an example of international excellence. The Training Centre is where we train our air traffic controllers
The Training Centre is located in Forlì, in the heart of an aeronautical hub that hosts the Engineering Department of the University of Bologna’s Forlì campus (Aerospace Engineering and Mechanical Engineering), the "Francesco Baracca" State Aeronautical Technical Institute and a number of flight and aviation maintenance schools.
The Training Centre offers an environment dedicated to learning, with state-of-the-art classrooms, simulators and support services. ENAV uses dedicated simulation technologies in its training activities:
- 1 Radar simulation room (24 workstations in 12 suites)
- 5 3D 270° Tower simulators
- 1 CRJ Certified flight simulator
- 8 PTT (Part Task Trainer) workstations

Scenarios and operational specifications can be customised based on course objectives, including the development of airport scenarios and customized service areas.
A 360° tower environment simulation system is also available at Rome Fiumicino airport, while each radar control centre has simulation rooms dedicated to training.
The entire training process is designed and managed by a team of instructors, human factors experts, training processes experts and dedicated technical personnel.

The skill Centres of the training centre
Air Navigation Services Training: provides initial training, certification and continuous development updating of personnel assigned to providing air navigation services, ensuring that all meet the highest national and international quality standards through the on-going verification and updating of training activities.
Human Performance: a multidisciplinary social and technical skills centre that works to integrate human factors into technical programme in order to enhance the skills of ATCOs in interacting with technologies, people, procedures and operating environments. This goal is to improve their ability to react to traffic demand, ensuring safety standards while maintaining high performance levels.
Teaching methods and systems: an interdisciplinary skills centre that provides instructional design support to instructors and teachers, engineering and developing teaching materials and simulation technologies. The constant search for methods, techniques and tools to improve training - in line with training best practices – boosts the effectiveness and overall quality of the Training Centre’s activities.