international programmes and initiatives

We use our experience and our skills for proactive contribution to leading international organisations and industries, creating synergies with other industry players to develop projects and initiatives of common interest




The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) is a specialised agency of the United Nations, with 193 member states. The agency has responsibilities in civil aviation regulation and fosters the planning and development of international air transport. ENAV participates in ICAO working groups addressing air traffic management (ATM) issues and is involved in the development of regulations in the fields of operations, technological systems and training.



EUROCONTROL is the European organization for air navigation safety. With 41 member states (including all the EU member states), its primary objective is the development of the pan-European civil and military air traffic management system, through performance enhancements, high safety standards and respect for the environment, as governed by Single European Sky legislation. ENAV actively participates in the work of decision-making bodies and technical groups. In particular, the Company supports the Italian government for activities within the Provisional Council, the decision-making body of the organisation. ENAV is also a member of the Air Navigation Services Board, a group that brings together industry stakeholders (air navigation service providers, airlines and airports), and of the Civil-Military Stakeholder Committee (CMSC), an advisory body of the Provisional Council and the Director General of EUROCONTROL.


The European Organisation for Civil Aviation Equipment (EUROCAE) (link) is a non-profit organisation bringing together air transport stakeholders: system manufacturers, air navigation service providers, national regulatory authorities, air carriers and airport operators. EUROCAE documents establish operational specifications for the actors involved in the air transport sector and serve as a benchmark for compliance with European standards (European Technical Standard Orders). ENAV actively participates by providing technical-specialist support for thematic working groups.


The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) is the oversight body for the aviation industry in the European Union. It is responsible for safety and all aspects related to the design, manufacture and maintenance of aeronautical systems. Its regulatory duties involve the drafting of technical standards and related opinions. Much of the European regulations governing air transport are developed within the Agency, an activity in which ENAV is directly involved, sharing its expertise in the field of regulation.
Single European Sky

Single European Sky

The Single European Sky is an initiative of the European Commission to constantly optimise continental airspace, with the increasingly efficient harmonisation of traffic flows.


The Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) programme was created to channel European R&D efforts in air traffic management, seeking to achieve greater standardisation of air traffic control systems at the continental level, capable of handling ever greater traffic while enhancing safety levels. All with a shrinking impact on the environment.


SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking (SESAR 3 JU) is the public-private partnership created to accelerate - through Research & Development activities - the delivery of the Digital European Sky for an innovative and sustainable Air Traffic Management system. The joint undertaking will lead a program to develop and adopt innovative technological and operational solutions to achieve an efficient and integrated management of aircrafts, drones, aero taxis and any potential new air vehicles. SESAR 3 JU gathers the European Commission, EUROCONTROL and over 50 organizations as Founding Members, among which ENAV.

SESAR Deployment Alliance

The SESAR Deployment and Infrastructure Partnership (SDIP) Consortium has been appointed by the European Commission to act as SESAR Deployment Manager (SDM). The task of the new SESAR Deployment Manager, which started its activities on June 1st 2022, is to ensure coordinated and synchronized implementation of the European projects aiming at modernizing air traffic management systems by enhancing flight trajectories, cost efficiency and flight safety while also meeting the sustainable goals set by the European Commission. The partnership is composed of European airlines, airports, main Air Navigation Service Providers, including ENAV, and Eurocontrol represented by the Network Manager.


BLUE MED - coordinated by ENAV - is the South-Eastern European FAB (Functional Airspace Block) as established in the Single European Sky legislation. It represents the natural European gateway to air traffic flows from Africa and the Middle East. A FAB is a regional portion of airspace managed by the air navigation service providers of the countries involved, using common technical and operational arrangements to harmonise and standardise air traffic management, increasing operational capacity while reducing the environmental impact of operations and lowering airline costs. The BLUE MED FAB, whose partners are the EU Member States of Cyprus, Greece, Italy and Malta, is open to the participation of other countries that want to cooperate in a wide range of activities, enabling them to reap the full benefits the integration of operational and technical solutions developed in the Mediterranean area.




The Civil Air Navigation Services Organization (CANSO) is the organisation that brings together most of the air navigation service providers (ANSP) at the global level. Its members manage about 85% of the world’s airspace, share information and develop new strategies, with the aim of constantly improving air navigation services. CANSO is the global voice of air traffic for the development of the Air Traffic Management sector. ENAV participates directly in CANSO activities and is involved in the groups responsible for operations, safety and strategy at both the global and European levels.


The A6 group is an alliance of the main European air navigation service providers, who handle over 80% of continental traffic and 70% of the investment in ATM infrastructure. Its main task is to create synergies among the members of the SESAR Joint Undertaking and the SESAR Deployment Alliance to provide leadership at the European level in technical and strategic areas.