Wind farm and solar-panel evaluations


With our advanced modelling tools and software, we can support our customer in applications to install wind farms and solar plants, which contribute to environmentally friendly energy programmes.

To support our customer to determining optimal siting, potential interference with aviation activities and to provide consulting in the submission of applications for permits to install wind farms or solar plants.

Thanks to the high-level skills of our team, which has access to the most recent methods and most advanced equipment available on the market, and with the acquisition of data from customers or through a dedicated topographic survey, we support customers in ensuring that a wind farm or solar panel installation will not impact other systems (e.g., including ATM, CNS and MET services equipment), and we support our customers in ensuring compliance with applicable requirements for structures located in the immediate vicinity of airports or in area where it is not possible to exclude risk for the aviation activities, including the provision of air navigations services (all land use proposals near airports and air navigation infrastructure before construction begins to ensure that safety and efficiency are not compromised).

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