e-MAPS is a complete suite of products which intends to provide facilities to ATM suites in order to define and manage elements of the ATM geography that are the functional basis of ATC systems
Operational Scenario:
e-MAPS provides in a single suite all the facilities to define / modify/ organize all elements in a geographical context that can be used and displayed in ATM Suites (e.g. ACC Systems, FALLBACK Systems, e-CWP,
Using the e-MAPS suite, it is possible to:
• define the complete geography of the FDP systems as defined in the AIRAC cycles;
• represent, in a georeferenced context, some “sensible” and “interesting” geographical elements as
defined in the FDP geography;
• define maps as a set of standard graphic forms (SVG format, Scalable Vector Graphics) in a georeferenced context, designed to represent areas of interest that can be saved and loaded for any purpose in the ATM environment (e.g. import into CWP);
• prepare the export of geographic data in a standard format between several ATM systems.
Key benefits:
• Easy and safe to maintain all geography data in a unique SW system
• Integration with others ATM Suites
• High portability thanks to Java Language
• Ready to import AIP data from external available data source
• Updated to international standard format
Ubimex ATS Message Handling System (AMHS)
Main technical features and overview:
MAPS SUITE components are:
• FGM (Fdp Geography Management): is the manager of geographic and aircraft data for the FDP systems.
• GEOVIS (GEOgraphy VISualizator): is based on the open source NASA graphics library (NWW, NASA WORLD WIND) and allows the visualization of basic cartographic layers and additional georeferenced ones for the presentation of cartographic elements of interest.
• SMAPS (Svg MAPS): allows the definition of a series of basic graphic elements (such as lines, polylines, polygons, rectangles, circles, arcs, text and symbols) in a georeferenced context,to graphically display a layered radar map.
• GDA (Geography Data Adapter): allows the production of files that contain geographic data that can be imported from external systems for the definition of its geography
• DAT files
• XML files
• AIXM (version 5.1 of the International Standard adopted for the management and distribution of AIS data)
• online retrieval of maps directly from the NASA cartographic repository / offline cached maps
• SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) multi-layer maps
• CVS files exportation of geography data
Technical Specification:
• Developed in Java Language
• Windows OS and Linux OS workstations
Regulations and certifications:
• CMMI Compliant Development Cycle
• Developed according to the Software Assurance Level (SWAL) identified during the safety assessment process
• Skilled human resources for maintenance scope
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