6 April 2023
Rome, 6 April 2023 - With reference to the Shareholders' Meeting of ENAV S.p.A. to be held on single call on April 28, 2023, in order to resolve upon, among other items, the appointment of the members of the Board of Directors (point 8 on the agenda), is hereby noted that they are available to the public on the Company's website (www.enav.it - under the section “Governance” - Shareholders’ Meeting 2023”), and on the authorized storage mechanism “1Info” which can be consulted at the website (www.1info.it) the lists of candidates for the appointment of Directors, filed by the Shareholders within the established deadlines and accompanied by the documentation and information required by current legislation.
Lists of the candidates for the appointment of members of the Board of Directors:
List 1 submitted by the Italian Ministry of Economic and Finance, representing 53.28 % of the share capital of ENAV S.p.A.:
List 2 jointly submitted by the following shareholders representing about 4,9% of the share capital of ENAV S.p.A:
Amundi Asset Management SGR, Anima SGR, Arca Fondi SGR, BancoPosta Fondi SGR, Eurizon Capital SA, Eurizon Capital SGR, Fidelity Funds, Fideuram Asset Management (Ireland), Fideuram Intesa Sanpaolo Private Banking Asset Management SGR, Interfund Sicav, Generali Investments Partners SGR, Kairos Partners SGR, Legal & General Assurance (Pensions Management) Limited, Mediobanca SGR, Mediolanum Gestione Fondi SGR e Mediolanum International Funds Limited.
List 3 jointly submitted by Inarcassa and Enpam Foundation representing 3.9% of the share capital of ENAV S.p.A.:
We also inform you that the Shareholder Ministry of the Economy and Finance has communicated pursuant to art. 126-bis of Legislative Decree no. 58/98 that it intends to present the following proposed resolutions to the Shareholders' Meeting, with reference:
The aforementioned proposals are likewise made available to the public in accordance with the law.
(*) Candidate who has declared that he meets the independence requirements established by law (art. 147-ter and art. 148, paragraph 3, of Legislative Decree no. 58 of 24 February 1998), and by the Corporate Governance Code of listed companies published by Borsa Italiana.
(**) It is recalled that the proposal of the Board of Directors regarding item 6 on the agenda, which coincides, however, was published in accordance with the law.