The Shareholders’ Meeting of ENAV S.p.A. (“ENAV” or the “Company”) is convened in ordinary session, on single call, at 12 noon on 28 April 2023, at the registered office - Via Salaria 716, 00138 Rome - to discuss and resolve upon the following


  1. 1. Approval of the financial statements of ENAV S.p.A. as at 31 December 2022, including the reports of the Board of Directors, the Board of Auditors and of the Independent Auditors. Presentation of the consolidated financial statements as at 31 December 2022 
  2. 2. Allocation of the profit for the year 
  3. 3. Report on remuneration policy and remuneration paid. Binding resolution pursuant to Article 123-ter(3-bis) of Legislative Decree 58/1998 
  4. 4. Report on remuneration policy and remuneration paid. Non-binding resolution pursuant to Article 123-ter(6) of Legislative Decree 58/1998 
  5. 5. Long-term incentive plan for the management of ENAV S.p.A. and its subsidiaries pursuant to Article 2359 of the Italian Civil Code;  
  6. 6. Determination of the number of directors 
  7. 7. Determination of the term of office of directors 
  8. 8. Appointment of the Board of Directors 
  9. 9 Appointment of the Chair of the Board of Directors 
  10. 10. Determination of the remuneration of directors 


Information about:

  • share capital;
  • additions to the Meeting agenda pursuant to Art. 126-bis of Legislative Decree 58/1998;
  • presentation of new proposed resolutions and/or votes on the items on the Meeting agenda, by those entitled to vote at the Shareholders’ Meeting, by 13 April 2023;
  • access to the full text of the proposed resolutions, together with the explanatory reports and documents to be submitted to the Shareholders’ Meeting;
  • participation in and voting at the Shareholders’ Meeting, with a record date of 19 April 2023. In this respect, it should be noted that, pursuant to Art. 106, paragraph 4, of the Legal Decree no. 18/2020 (“Cure Italy Decree”), converted by Law no. 27/2020, as  extended by Art. 3, paragraph 10-undiecies Law Decree no. 198/2022 converted with amendments by Law no. 14/2023, participation in the Shareholders' Meeting may take place exclusively through the Designated Representative appointed by the Company, Computershare S.p.A, with registered office at Via Monte Giberto 33, 00138 Rome, the latter will be delegated pursuant to Art.135-undecies of Legislative Decree no. 58/1998, in the form indicated in the full version of the notice of call available on the Company's website (;
  • exercise of the right to submit questions before the Shareholders’ Meeting, by 19 April 2023;
  • organisational aspects relating to the Shareholders’ Meeting;

is provided in the full notice of call, whose text - to which reference is made - is available at the registered office, on the Company’s website at the address, (section “Governance” – “2023 Shareholders’ Meeting”) and from 1info, the authorised storage mechanism (

The documentation for the Shareholders’ Meeting, including the reports of the Board of Directors and the resolutions proposed on the items on the agenda, is made available to the public, by the deadlines envisaged by law, in the same way.


The Chair of the Board of Directors

Francesca Isgrò



The extract of the notice of call of the Shareholders’ Meeting is available in the present page and will be published by ENAV, on 18 of March 2023, in the newspapers Il Sole 24 Ore and Milano Finanza.

NOTICE OF CALL ORDINARY SHAREHOLDER'S MEETING 2023 EXTRACT NOTICE OF CALL ORDINARY SHAREHOLDER'S MEETING 2023 SUMMARY OF THE VOTING RESULTS 2023 Minutes of Shareholder's Meeting of 28 April 2023 with Annexes (Italian version only) ENAV S.p.A. Board of Direct Guidelines to the Shareholders on the future size and composition of the Company’s BoD Excerpt of the policy on the criteria and procedure for the evaluation of the independence of the Directors of ENAV S.p.A.