27 January 2023
Rome, January 27, 2023 - ENAV announces its financial calendar for the year 2023:
With reference to the possibility of reporting financial information in addition to the annual and interim reports, as provided for in Article 82.-ter of the Issuer Regulations, taking into account the requirements of its stakeholders, ENAV has decided to publish on a voluntary basis quarterly financial reports for the periods ending on 31 March and on 30 September.
Specifically, the quarterly financial information of the Group will be compared with information relating to the previous year and will include the following elements:
I) profit and loss, balance sheet and cash flow statement;
II) indication of revenues by type of business, personnel costs and external costs, including comments on their performance;
III) net financial position;
IV) details on traffic trends during the respective reporting period together with related comments.
The quarterly financial report may also contain additional qualitative and quantitative information to explain business trends more effectively, where necessary. The quarterly financial reports will be approved by the Board of Directors according to the schedules published on the ENAV website www.enav.it and will be made public through press release within forty-five days from the end of the relevant quarterly period. The conference calls with analysts and institutional investors, regarding the periodic financial results, will be held on the same day or the day after the approval of the results by the Board of Directors, according to procedures that will be made public on each occasion.
Any changes in the above information will be promptly reported to the market.