Press release

Company and Trade Unions together for the development of ENAV Group

Rome, 10 March 2022 - The ENAV Group and the Trade Unions – within the Joint Guarantee Body – continued in the process of sharing the strategic lines up until 2024, following the programmatic document on the digital transition of ENAV signed on 14 October 2021.


During the meeting were specifically discussed matters related to the investment plan, the hiring plan of external personnel and the professionalization of the internal staff, founding elements for the implementation of the projects of the ENAV Group.


These projects provide for the innovation and digital transformation of the Group's infrastructures and its air traffic management systems, ensuring the evolution of the operating model needed to guarantee more efficient and flexible services to carriers and passengers. So, ENAV Group - also thanks to the skills of its staff – will be able to utilize at its best a strategic resource, such as airspace, for the economic revival of Italy, creating a model of sustainable mobility which includes the development of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV).

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