12 November 2020
ENAV in the list of the 150 Italian companies recognized for their sustainability created by Statista in collaboration with Il Sole 24 Ore
“Sustainability Leader” is a ranking of the 150 Italian companies recognized for their sustainability. The list was created by Statista, a leading market research company specialized in ranking and company data analysis in collaboration with Il Sole 24 Ore.
The 1,200 companies initially analysed were whittled down to a sample of 450 companies selected through an analysis of their 2019 sustainability reports and 35 indicators of the three dimensions of sustainability: environmental, social and economic.
The collected data were aggregated and evaluated by assigning a total score to each company in the three areas, with the 150 companies obtaining the highest score being recognised. ENAV was among these together with leading companies in the field of sustainable development.